We go deeper in onboarding and the transition

Onboard Coaching Partners

Understanding the importance of an intentional and conscientious transition, CohenTaylor maintains longstanding partnerships with professional leadership coaches. We match each placed candidate with external onboarding coaching services to ensure a smooth and fruitful first few months.

Setting candidates up for success is a priority for us, and we leave it to the experts.

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Abigail Barrett

A licensed organizational psychologist with more than 30 years of experience, Abigail has worked with a broad spectrum of industries and clients, from small startups to Fortune 500 companies. She has special expertise in leadership development, executive coaching, team development, and succession planning.

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Amy Batiste

Known for her unique blend of strategic and visual thinking, Amy brings valuable knowledge and experience as a hands-on practitioner in the areas of human-centered design, diversity, equity and inclusion, visual communications and organization development. Her work is best described as insightfully designed, masterfully facilitated and artfully communicated.

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Ariella Tilsen

Ariella Tilsen is an executive and leadership coach, strategic change consultant and facilitator, and conflict resolver who works across sectors, cultures, and generations. She helps leaders, organizations, and communities tap into what makes them most dynamic, and then helps them focus on what they most want to grow or change.

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Donna DiMenna

Donna DiMenna is an organizational psychologist with expertise in talent management practices: assessment, organizational development, organizational design, leadership development, organizational culture, team effectiveness, and executive coaching.

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Nirav Sheth

Nirav is an Executive Coach and Business Growth Consultant.  He is the Founder and President of Stratosphere (www.stratosphere-llc.com), a coaching and consulting firm whose mission is to take individuals and businesses to new heights.

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